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Hey there, love!

I see you building a business around your calling. You’re the expert friends call when they need help. You’ve got a wonderful life, awesome kids, a caring husband, a loving home. People who knew you in your 20s would be blown away, right?! You did it. Take a moment to appreciate that. 

But does this sound familiar, too?

You tell your spouse about a new idea you have for your business, and they’re supportive, but — 

The smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes. 

Ashley Trexler

Sometimes they ask what happened to the last idea. 

And most of the time, you know: They don’t think you’ll follow through. 

Every time it’s the same story. You tell yourself this time is different. This product/service/angle is THE idea; you’re done wasting time. You gear yourself up, dive in, and —


You get “busy.” There’s a trip, a birthday, a holiday, an illness, a deep-clean-the-house month, a training class you don’t need, a — 


It’s a sh!tty feeling to swirl around in all the time — being productive in every part of your life but the one you want to grow. You watch your husband settle in and tell yourself you’ll start tomorrow.

And you try not to think how it would take one stroke of bad luck for your whole world to come crashing down. Your husband can’t work, someone gets sick, a disaster costs your money you don’t have. Hell, a new AC system could ruin your year. 

How do I know? Because those were my thoughts, too. 

My husband and I were in the same position you are now. After the birth of our daughter, I transitioned to doing what I love: building websites and writing. He stayed as the breadwinner. 

My first website went from 0 email subscribers to over 1,000 — before I even launched. I became an award-winning e-business owner. And you know what it’s like growing a business—two steps forward, twenty back. I made a ton of mistakes. But I also cajoled/convinced some of the best marketers, website designers, and copywriters to teach me what they know.

But no matter how I tried growing my business — even though I KNEW what to do — my anxiety never went away. The money was never enough. The to-do list was endless. But success was there: I was an “expert” who interviewed and presented for big names like the Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Broadcasting Channel. My name was passed from experts to clients, “Call Ash. She’ll know what to do!”

So I kept accepting new clients and sharing my knowledge. And I came to hate watching free-spirited entrepreneurs hire me only to ignore the plans they paid me to create. There wasn’t enough money. The tech stuff was too hard. It was confusing. 

I got angry. 

So to deal with it, I got “busy.” 

And just like that, I fell down the rabbit hole that so many of my clients went down. 

I found myself:

-Creating pointless tasks I said mattered

-Half-launching ideas, then jumping to a new one

-Strategizing new business ideas

-Planning the future instead of doing the work

-Constantly waiting for the “right time” (next week, month, season) 

I believe in manifesting a life I love, so it was a shock to realize I had become my own worst client: unproductive and unhappy. 

So I hit pause to figure out: Why was I working so hard at NOT working?!

Over a cup of tea and a campfire on a cold morning, as I was helping a good friend strategize her new gardening seminar launch, it hit me:

What if “expert” plans were the problem, not the solution? What if the to-do list needed to be smaller, not bigger? What if we followed through on ONE idea at a time?

The best work came when we did less work and more of what worked. 

From artists to herbalists, death coaches to romance writers, do-able plans in bite-sized bits stop you from sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich and saying, “I’m busy.”

Remember that month you spent deep-cleaning the house? #ostrichwork

And that’s why Wysify™ exists today. To help people free-spirited, kick-a$$ entrepreneurs like yourself manifest results in real-time. 

So whether it was the universe, an article, or pure luck (see: universe) that brought you here today:

Welcome. This is the door that opens to the next phase of your business. Where you stop planning, start doing, and run a productive, joyful business. 

And another benefit that’s waiting for you? When you tell someone about your next idea, you’ll see the smile reach their eyes as they ask you to share more — and mean it.

You CAN build a productive and profitable business from wherever you’re at, starting right now. You need 15 minutes a week to start or a few hours if you want to dive in. 

Are you ready to cross that threshold? Then come on in. 

I’ll be here every step of the way. 

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